Fishing Vessel "KINGFISHER", 1950's typical inshore fisheries

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Fishing Vessel "KINGFISHER", 1950's typical inshore fisheries

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Here is a very nice hard to find classic fishing vessel plan for modeling. The plan was submitted from Dodgy about 5 years ago in Vintage- Old Timer Boats thread.This "FV KINGFISHER", plan was published in a 1958 issue of American Modeler Magazine.

I have had this somewhat scale 1940-50's East coast inshore fishing dragger. I find many of the the detail items may be missing or somewhat close for a model boat of an early era fishing boat from the area I was born. One example is the fishing dory used as a lifeboat. It shows a double ender boat. Most FV used a transom dory on the roof.I lived in the fishing capital of America. New Bedford, MA. I took many photos and hung around the docks as a kid. I do not think I would go to sea as far as George's Banks to fish on this smaller vessel. That may be my opinion but I stand by it. These vessels may have fished an average 30 miles offshore due to size and draft. Most offshore Grand Bankers were cut down schooners about 80-110 feet at that time.
If you want the plan be sure to download the Pdf file as it is better quality.
Kingfisher New England fishing dragger.jpg
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Re: Fishing Vessel "KINGFISHER", 1950's typical inshore fisheries

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The best known Yankee builder of fine vessels was the famous Harvey Gamage shipyard of S. Bristol, ME. They were sea vessels with deep drafts to handle the seas for a weeks fishing offshore.

Here is the story of "POCAHONTAS" - later MICHELE & ANNETTE, a Harvey Gamage built as a dragger and used also for scalloping fisheries. She was lost and later found the life ring over in France.. ... ws/7080325

Here is a beautiful made model of the New England dragger-scalloper POCAHONTAS.
New England dragger - Pocahontas.JPG
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Re: Fishing Vessel "KINGFISHER", 1950's typical inshore fisheries

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Wow!! that is some hell of boat looks good
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Re: Fishing Vessel "KINGFISHER", 1950's typical inshore fisheries

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Here is one of the smaller Eastern rigged draggers of the New England fisheries. These vessels were a transition from sailing schooners of the 1920 era. The conversion from sail to motor power changed many schooners over to the new era in fishing. There were many cut down schooners with their bowsprits and masts shortened to the newer type Eastern draggers, The pilot house made the new transition also eliminating operations in open weather. Here is a great link from the Mystic Seaport's own "Roann" Eastern rig vessel. It is in like new restored.
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Eastern rig Fishing Vessels, Photos-Videos on Facebook -Also a Western Rig Model Build.

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Here is some further research of an era that came and went from the early 1920 time zone and lasted over fifty years with the Eastern rigged fihing vessels, The new era today has swung over in the 70's to the all steel stern trawler style vessels that are active today. There is a lot to see in these links. I do not know if you have to be a Facebook patron to see the huge ongoing website loaded with the past fishing vessel industry utilizing Eastern and Western rig fishing draggers.
You will see an era of fishing vessels that transitioned from schooners over to the Eastern rig fishing vessels here in the Facebook site. Great photos and videos in rough waters out at sea are posted. The era later transitioned to all steel stern trawlers of today.
There was also what is known vessels that were known as Western rigged fishing vessels. The difference mainly was the pilot house was midships. The Stonington vessel here was for the inshore fisheries mainly. Here is a fine model being built with great finishing skills. There are 5 pages as it is ongoing at this time. Beautiful work. See them all. ... stern-rig/
Otter Trawl.jpg
Otter Trawl 02.jpg
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Re: Fishing Vessel "KINGFISHER", 1950's typical inshore fisheries

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The last wooden Eastern rigged Dragger has finished it's fishing days when she has been scuttled of Cape Ann, MA. She was one of the smaller ones built in Maine in the forties, Her length was 63 feet. Iit was also the traditional dark green hull at one time.This vessel is more in line with the model plans.
Here in this link is the sinking at sea and gives you a couple good deck pictures for details. ... a5654.html
Eastern rigged-Little Sandra 01.jpg
Eastern rigged-Little Sandra 02.jpg
Little Sandra July 1978.jpg
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A Scallop Trawler WILLIAM C BAKER, 1962

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Here is a beautiful Scallop dragger model. The scalloper has a different approach to fishing than the eastern Fishing beam trawler. A scalloper has 2 dredges that it drags on the bottom areas, In the photo link below you will see the dredges laying on each side of the deck. It can fish one dredge on each side of the vessel. This naturally allows handling of one at a time while I suppose 1 dredge is fishing I would imagine.

The Eastern fishing beam trawler has to fish 1 large net drag and haul up the rig on one beam side. You will see the net gallows on one side of the vessel. The vessel is steered in a large turning circle to launch and retrieve its fishing gear on the side of the vessel. Naturally you do not want the gear caught in the propeller on a straight pickup of the fishing net. I am sure I may make some mistakes in the final description here. but the workings appear correct from my assessment.
Have look at this scratch built model built by an expert- Mike Maynard - of a scallop fishing vessel- WILLIAM C BAKER, 1962 . ... aker-1962/
Scallop Trawler WILLIAM C BAKER, 1962 .jpg
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Re: Fishing Vessel "KINGFISHER", 1950's A Dory for your fishing Vessel

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If at some time you ever build a fisherman's schooner, dragger, trawler. And many other fisherman's boats used on the upper Atlantic and Canadian Provence's you may want a set of these plans for your model boat. Scale to your preference. For most motorized fishing vessels they were usually painted International orange, But the days faded with these boats as the makers slowly stopped making them also..Many of the old wood fishing vessels painted the masts orange also with white tops up into the 60's. On the motor fishing vessels of the 30's onward they were on the pilot house used as a lifeboat. Some larger vessels carried 2 on the wheelhouse roof. Today I believe these are not seen much as you can buy complete capsule lifeboats that activate release themselves by water pressure if a fisherman in a sinking vessel does not engage the release.

I have also found another Scalloper model of a Harvey Gamage built 1960 NEPTUNE . You can see the dory sitting on the pilothouse roof. Some of this era of boats carried 2 of them. They served dual purpose lifeboat or other emergencies like going after a man washed overboard. The newer boats as I mentioned earlier now carry a lifeboat in a container on the roof. The scallopers fished 2 drag nets on the bottom from both sides of the boat.
The fisherman's dory was the type used up into the 50's. They go back into the late 1800's as the main fisherman work boat on all the schooners.. On the draggers they served as lifeboats as a last resort.
Build a Fishermans Dory -Dorette jpg.jpg
Build a Fishermans Dory -Dorette.pdf
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Scalloper Neptune 80' -  Gamage blt 1960 - Scale Model  (1).jpg
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Re: Fishing Vessel "KINGFISHER", 1950's typical inshore fisheries

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Visit this gallery for some interesting fishing vessel paintings by the artist Arthur Moniz.
Here is a fine example of a fishing dragger pilot house. Not all are the same. By Arthur Moniz.
FV Pilot house -AMoniz.jpg
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Re: Fishing Vessel "KINGFISHER", 1950's typical inshore fisheries

Post by Neons »

I found a modeler building a New England Eastern Rig trawler. It is slow going detailed build in progress. There still are some good details showing up to this Nov. 2023 point though.
Trawler Pelican 01.jpg
Trawler Pelican 02.jpg
Trawler Pelican in progress: ... ent-984565
There is also a scale smaller size display model of a Stonington trawler out of Connecticut, USA. The Mystic Museum has one also. They usually are under 65 feet long. This is a complete article of a real beauty with fine workmanship. Worth a look. Here is a picture
Stonington trawler - Last Dollar.jpg ... d-148-pob/
Bob Pacheco
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