Nostalgic Early Modeling Days. S.Shore MA area. Tell your story and pics.

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Re: Nostalgic Early Modeling Days. S.Shore MA area. Tell your story and pics.

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Here is an article that I took part in during an AMA stunt event in my younger days at our local New Bedford,MA airport grounds. I hope some find it of interest. I was able to re work the text in the article to where it is mostly readable with some computer fixes. Many of us remember our past honorary member Manny Arruda here in the newspaper article. I hope you get a smile out of this memory.
As received and answered Dec 20. 2024:

On 11/22/2024 2:57 PM EST Russell Ramos <rramos@> wrote:

Hi Robert, I have forwarded these pictures from the Standard Times.
Hopefully you can read the information on them. Let me know if you
have any questions.

Russ Ramos
Hello Russ,
This was a great article. I will save this gem. I am sure that was the date I flew my Semi Scale c/l Sabre Stunt at the only AMA meet at the New Bedford airport in my active time at 17yoa. and maybe the last I remember. The picture has Manny Arruda in the ctr. He was a very active member some years ago. We still have a couple of his R/C planes around. I still have a few c/l planes also. We have had 2 relatives that were in BCRCC also from Lenny Gadomski and his father, Lenny was the best control/line stunter in our area. His father had a c/l Stinson Reliant about 10 to 15ft. wingspan with an old Forster 99 ignition motor and flew that and took scale. My close friend Joe (McCoo) Correa also flew there in stunt. We did not place anything though. We were amateurs. The place we flew is still there and paved today. Planes are parked there today. Just over the fence at the small playground nearby. The parking lots were all grass then. We flew c/l there in the late 50- early 60's Great memories. Thanks for your research time to offer these clips for us to enjoy. My associate friends will enjoy this. I hope to meet you someday.
Robert Pacheco
Standard Times -AMA Control LIne Contest August 1961.txt
(1.74 KiB) Downloaded 22 times
Dartmouth Modelers_Stand.Times 8_21_1961-01.jpg
Dartmouth Modelers_Stand.Times 8_21_1961-02.jpg
Sterling Super Ringmaster- 2 Super Sabres.jpg
Bob Pacheco
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